“Vacation is what you take when you can’t take what you’ve been taking any longer.”

The movie got rained out last night. We had a tremendous storm which lasted only a short while but still drenched everything. Today we have a bit of sun, but the humidity is as bad as it’s been. Just sitting here typing makes me sweat. The movie is a maybe for tonight as there is still the possibility of afternoon thunderstorms. I wish the rain would clear the air.

I was never one wishing for summer during the cold of winter. I always say it is easier to get warm than it is to get cool. Being inside right now is stifling though outside doesn’t feel much cooler. I figure on spending a good part of the day in my bedroom in the air conditioning.

My muse is on vacation. I think she was driven away by the heat and humidity. It’s difficult to be creative when you’re sweating. I start thinking wonderful thoughts then in pops the I’m so hot I can’t stand it thought. All else is gone.

I want to be Samantha or Jeannie with the power to whisk me away to somewhere cool. I won’t be greedy, just for the day would be fine.

We’re calling today a mini-vacation brought on by heat and humidity and the lack of a cogent thought.

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6 Comments on ““Vacation is what you take when you can’t take what you’ve been taking any longer.””

  1. Christer Says:

    We reached 95F today but then came thunder and it dropped to 73F within a minute! As a show this thunderstorm got a six out of ten, but as a water provider it was a big failure. Most of it evaporated before it reached the ground.

    They were showing “The naked gun 2,5” when the thunder arrived, but I did hear some great lines like: It was a white guy with a mustache 6 feet long.
    -That was an awfully long mustache.

    Do You like to gamble?
    -Everytime I order out! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I can hear thunder is turning back, so I better leave.
    Have a great day and I hope the movienight can be done!

    • katry Says:

      It cooled off during the evening-finally. I was soaked from sweat every time I did anything so I was glad for a rest from all that heat.

      It was a beautiful evening for a movie.

  2. Zoey & Me Says:

    I’m on earlier than usual because we have threatening strong storms heading our way from out of Orlando. It will be here by 4 and today is Rebecca’s birthday so I was going to grill T-bones but maybe not as it is already dark here. I need to shut my pooter down. Sorry for your hotter than normal summer weather up there but now you know what Florida feels like in the summer. Very uncomfortable all the time.

    • katry Says:

      I hate this weather. It is just too hot for July. That humidity hangs in the air and I swear I can see it.

      Hope the showers were spectacularly cooling!

  3. Bob Says:

    We are in mid winter, cold today at 16C (I don’t know what that is in US degrees)real need a cardigan weather, still for mid winter it could be worse. I feel more comfortable with the sweat running down my back. I think we have hot and cold weather so that we can vary our complaining as we go through the year!

    • katry Says:

      It is 60°F (I looked it up). That is our late spring weather. It would be a record warm day were it winter.

      It is a temperature I love. Cool enough for comfort and still warmish.

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