“Hopefully my bad luck is over, and I got it all out of the way. I’m looking forward now. I’m not looking in the past.”

I am going to run away from home. I am living under a dark cloud, both literally and figuratively. Earlier there was thunder, it rained a bit and the clouds are still gray and a bit ominous. That’s the literal. I went down the cellar to see why my irrigation system didn’t work this morning, and the cellar, on one side and seeping to the other, is flooded. Right away, from the constant dripping, I found the source, another pipe with several leaks. That’s the figurative though it also has literal written all over it. On my way over to the pipe, I slipped on a sopping bag and went to my knees. Luckily, I wasn’t hurt: I just got wet and a bit indignant. I couldn’t get to the pipe with the storage stacked around it so I called Skip and he arrived with a pump just as the plumber arrived. Walter, my plumber, tightened a few screws and the dripping stopped. He’ll be back later to check, but he thinks it was just a loose valve. Skip is now pumping out my cellar. (P.S. He pumped out 20 and 1/2 gallons).

This morning I had great plans. I was going to the once a week farmers’ market then on to Hyannis for a bit of shopping. Not any more. Now I’ll wait for Skip to finish and my plumber to return then I’ll punish myself further by grocery shopping. I liken it to self-flagellation.

My sister said at least I wasn’t dead. She has a point.

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16 Comments on ““Hopefully my bad luck is over, and I got it all out of the way. I’m looking forward now. I’m not looking in the past.””

  1. Hedley Says:

    If it wasnt for bad luck…
    Lets see for 2011, a broken leg, a stroke, a heart operation and then loss of a ten year job.
    But, I wont let it get me down. leg is rapidly improving, PFO heart condition was fixed by an operation, and I will get another job by Labor Day. Getting on a plane and heading to China in the next couple of weeks and I will enjoy the Summer.
    Bad luck…Bah humbug 🙂

    • katry Says:

      My Dear Hedley,
      I admit that your bad luck is far more than mine. Mine of late has been just stuff (except for the winter’s two back surgeries (first one a bust) and two months on the couch). The stuff is just that-unimportant in the scheme of things.

      Like you, I have my trip to look forward to, and I have movies and dinners on the deck, my sister and brother-in-law coming and lots of plays.

      I echo you: Bad luck…Bah humbug

  2. Pat Says:

    As John Prine says- “You don’t know how lucky you are …..”

  3. s Says:

    Surf’s up!

  4. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,

    Your planets must be retrograde or something this past week. I would give myself a day off and not do anything that I was supposed to do. Maybe that will break the chain.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      I tried that today and the cellar got flooded, Skip, my handyman, left the gate open and Gracie escaped, and I didn’t know it. Luckily I found her quickly and a treat in her dish brought her into the house-it was the first time she came in on her own. I guess that was good luck.

      I’m okay with all of this. I just wish it all didn’t cost so much.

  5. olof1 Says:

    But this must mean that all Your bad luck is used by now! Nothing can go wrong when You travel to Ghana 🙂 But I think it has been to much bad luck for You lately!

    Rain and thunder over here today agin. But it´s cooler so I don´t complain 🙂 I don´t mind warmer weather when it comes when it´s supposed to, not this early in the summer 🙂

    Have a great continuing of the day!

    • katry Says:

      Gracie escaped when the gate wasn’t shut properly, but she actually came when I called her and was enticed into the house with a treat. All was well!

      Thunder and lightning here too.

  6. Zoey & Me Says:

    I don’t think I would like living alone, all by myself. I’m also not the shut in type and love to walk the beach when I’m over that way, meet new people, have a few drinks at the local watering hole. To me a house is just four walls without sharing it with someone special. That’s what makes it a home to come home to. I admire how you do the things you do living alone and having your support group for any and all events. And your friends. Those get togethers must be important in your life. We meet bloggers from England next week. They landed in Miami this morning.

    • katry Says:

      Z&Me, In Ghana I lived alone for the first time, and it was difficult. I had no one to talk to when I was homesick or having trouble learning to teach Ghanaians. Over time I went in the other direction and loved my time along. I went into town, read, wrote letters, prepared classes and shopped in the market. When I bought this house, I couldn’t imagine having to live with someone.

      I have the most amazing friends, and even the simplest evenings are filled with fun and laughter.

  7. Lori Kossowsky Says:

    Your sister has a point. You know my story.
    I’m trying to wake up. At least I have a play to attend later with some friends so I am looking forward to that, but the pain is not good this week. Jewels woke me up with her paw almost in my eye and I had to yell NO, and she has me trained to feel very guilty about that. I waited with the covers over my head, and then in a while fed her and babied her. It’s a lovely warm day and I turned out all the lights and am staying in bed for a while. I was invited to a dog’s birthday party Sunday, but it is a long drive, and while I am honored of course, my body says no. Fibro pain is hard to take. OK, so I am rambling, but it’s morning for me. Blue is a nice choice.
    Trying to Wave,

    • katry Says:

      Take your time, snuggle with Jewels and do only want you want. Be rested for your party and you can be the belle of the ball.

      It was hot here today, and I did nothing-oops, I did grocery shop.

    • katry Says:

      Those are for the houses near the ocean, the ones from big money. WE don’t do pools in this area-most yards aren’t big enough. Mine is but I never gave one a thought. That’s now Gracie territory!

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