“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

Today is a rainy day but it’s a warm rainy day. I figure I’ll start decorating the house with Christmas. It was going to be tree day but now that’s postponed due to rain. The TV is on, unusual during the day, but Saturday is my science fiction channel movie day. The theme for today is ice and snow disasters. Right now it’s the possibility of a new ice age. All of the polar storms and snowmaggedons are leading to tonight’s wonderful new holiday movie called The 12 Disasters of Christmas, an earlier prediction than the Mayas about the end of the world. I can hardly wait for the festivities.

I know science fiction and fantasy films don’t entertain some people. I figure they, somewhere along the line, outgrew imagination and wonder. They just can’t suspend adulthood long enough to believe. Dragons aren’t real and neither are hobbits or heroes with super powers, but for some of us they are if only for a while, for the length of a book. No one will convince me that Toad doesn’t live in grand Toad Hall or that Bilbo never went on his adventure. I was with both of them. When I was really little, I was with Henny Penny when she thought the sky was falling.

I hope I never outgrow my imagination. I hope the world stays filled with wonder. The starry night sky, a clap of thunder, jagged lightning, fireflies blinking in the yard, falling snow and the sound of the wind still stop me in my tracks. I have to watch or listen, and I always smile. I just can’t help it. Each one is a gift, like some present, some treasure, opened for the first time. The other night it was the moon so bright against the dark sky. Last night it was the sound of the rain on the roof. I even like seeing my breath on a cold morning.

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21 Comments on ““The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.””

  1. Hedley Says:

    And so the tree came up from the basement and the Prince and I set to work, and the very first random song from the SD card was “Fairytale of New York”. We did lights, we put on some ornaments and then we watched “Santa Buddies”
    The Prince told me that I didn’t need to get him the Lego Batcave as he had asked Santa to bring it.
    The joy of having a six year old Grandson. I am one very lucky Pumpa

    • katry Says:

      My Dear Hedley,
      I am envious of your day with the Prince. Children and Christmas are so perfectly wonderful together! You are indeed one lucky Pumpa!!!

  2. Wonderful post! 😀

  3. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,
    The sound of geese flying overhead in moonlight is extremely evocative to me. I have actually made people stop talking around me so that I can listen. They think I’m weird. It’s alright. My mind has just gone with those geese on a flight of fantasy somewhere south or north. Those folks can just stay stuck there on the ground until I come back. 😀
    It’s raining and sort of cool up here. I’m watching CSPAN 3 History TV. What can I say… I’m a geek. 😀 😀
    I think I will work on something knitted that is large and will warm my lap.
    Enjoy the syfy!

    • Kat Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      You would never have to tell me to be quiet. I’d be listening along with you. I have been known to pull over to watch geese and even seagulls fly by me. Not weird to me!

      Well, we all have our viewing pleasures!

      Today is perfect weather for knitting and watching!!

  4. Bob Says:

    Some people’s minds don’t really have a good suspension of disbelief function. They can’t turn off their logical mind and let their imaginations run wild. I think that a kid having nightmares after watching a scary movie hasn’t developed that wall between reality and imagination. I still don’t really like very scary movies because they keep me up at night. Good movie directors create the fear without actually showing us the monster but letting our imaginations fill in the gaps and scare the crap out of us. Steven Spielberg couldn’t make the mechanical shark work in Jaws. Instead he never actually showed the beast and that made the movie even more suspenseful and scary.

    Our warm spell is going to end tomorrow evening with a ‘blue’ norther. There is even a forecast of possible snow flurries in the Dallas Ft. Worth metroplex. Fortunately I am flying out to Phoenix before the cold weather arrives.

    • Kat Says:

      I always feel sorry for people so grounded they can’t see what isn’t always visible but is there nonetheless. We never saw Bela Lugosi as Dracula bite anyone’s neck. The big moment was always hidden, sometimes behind his cape, but we knew. I love the old scary movies; they left so much to the imagination, far more than the gory movies of today.

      I’d think you’d welcome a little snow, just as a celebration of the season.

  5. And there’s more. That temporary ‘suspension of belief’ does so much more than just entertain us. When we drop that guard a bit we also become open to ideas that we may otherwise dismiss. It is often in those moments that transformative ideas take hold. Aye…lI agree, let us never become too old for this.

    • Kat Says:

      You are so right about transformative ideas sneaking in when we are open to new ideas and dreams.

      It is when we forget to dream we become old.

  6. olof1 Says:

    I’m pretty sure I got a glimpse of the White Witch Jadis when we were out walking this morning and we’ve met the Badger and the Mole several time on our walks 🙂 Not forgetting Toad and Ratty 🙂

    What would life be like without imagination? Imagination is what takes me through boring days at work when I stand by myself. with no one to talk to. Living by a bog helps keeping the imagination alive 🙂

    I haven’t done much today, the tree still stands in the cool cellar and the decorations are still in the box. But I have found the light-chain 🙂 I’ve watched Ski biathlon most of the day and of course I’ve been looking at Doris the Doe and her daughter in my garden 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • Hedley Says:

      Love it Christer, Wind in the Willows…what do Kenneth Grahame and I have in common ? We both once worked for the Bank Of England.

      • Kat Says:

        That is one of my favorite of all books which is why Toad got a mention today!

      • olof1 Says:

        So can we expect any books from You now?
        I loved the Famous Five! They were a big part of my childhood. Well I liked any book Enid Blyton wrote to be honest but especially the Famous Five 🙂

    • Kat Says:

      Toad of Toad Hall has always been one of my favorite characters from a favorite book. He is a dreamer. I have always loved his friends, so true, loyal despite everything Toad did.

      I can’t imagine life without imagination: how boring and colorless it would be.

      I have carted a few decorations up the stairs, but I have to rest my back before I bring up any more. I love going through the boxes and deciding what will come up each year.

      Right now it is ice tornadoes.

      Enjoy the evening!!

      • Hedley Says:

        I hated Tolkien, never could stomach The Hobbit and will certainly skip the movie….give me Billy Bunter, or Just William or The Famous Five.

  7. Kat Says:

    I read Tolkien when I was in the Peace Corps, and I loved the fantasy of them all.

    I don’t know Billy Bunter or The Famous Five. I had to look them up, and it would seem they weren’t here for me to enjoy.

  8. Hedley Says:

    A bit late for the pleasures of Greyfriars or Timothy the dog. Given the time frame your reading pleasure from Tolkien could have been hallucinogen enhanced….

    • Kat Says:

      My Dear Hedley,
      Not in Ghana it wasn’t! Maybe it was the scarcity of books which made them so wonderful to read.

      • Hedley Says:

        Well, there had to be a reason…severe croc bite. Toxic gazelle steak, strange plants on the camp fire when Ralph was strumming Mitchell ?

  9. Kat Says:

    My Dear Hedley,
    I was 22 and my world was not jaded. It was filled with everything new, and I loved it. No croc bites, bad meat on occasion but that meant a run to the bathroom, and Ralph and Michelle were a long way fro me. The reason was simply I liked them!

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