“We shall meet again before long to march to new triumphs.”

The sun was here earlier but has since disappeared. It was replaced by a cloudy sky and a stiff breeze. The paper forecasts the possibility of rain. It is 72˚ now with 85% humidity. Yesterday the breeze disappeared, and the humidity was so high I turned on the air conditioner in the late afternoon. That made for a comfortable evening.

Doing nothing worked. My back is better today and I’m happier. I’m even willing to brave the roads to do a few errands. I need odd things, those not often bought: light bulbs, a flood light, paint to do my fish table and candle bulbs for the window lights. I figure I’ll reward myself with my favorite sandwich: a panini with cheddar, bacon and avocado. I’m thinking a whoopie pie for dessert and maybe some biscotti for tomorrow morning.

The laundry has made some progress. I brought it down here and leaned it next to the cellar door. I can see it from my seat, but that doesn’t matter any more. I have learned to let it sit until I’m ready.

Yesterday afternoon I heard a huge crash as if something had fallen to my deck. I went out and found nothing. I checked both the front and the back yards then I thought maybe a branch had fallen on the roof part I can’t see, but I swore whatever it was had hit the deck. Skip, my factotum, is coming on Monday so maybe he can figure it out.

In September St. Patrick’s drill team is having a reunion. I marched from 1957 to 1964. Two of my aunts marched at the beginning, 1947, when the drill tam was started. Three of my cousins also marched but years later, they being younger than I by a lot of years. Most of the comments on the Facebook page are not from my contemporaries but from that younger group. My friends and I seem to be the grand dames.

The drill team had practice once a week in the winter and twice a week in the summer, the competition season. Competitions were on the weekends, usually a Sunday afternoon but also some Friday and Saturday nights. When we didn’t have a competition, we went to one anyway. All of my friends were on the drill team. We spent a lot of time together. Our instructor, a man named John Kelley, had to be the most patient man in the world. He’d go over and over certain parts of the maneuver until he was certain we had it down pat. It was difficult in the winter as we had to break it down into parts to fit the armory dimensions where we practiced. Once the weather changed and we could get on the field or in the schoolyard we had to work at putting it all together.

We never won much in the beginning. I remember coming home and telling my parents we had come in second, and we had, but there were only two drill teams competing. I didn’t tell them that part. We eventually won several championships both in winter color guard and summer drill. The first time we won the summer championship, someone called ahead to the fire station. We got off our bus uptown and one of the fire trucks with the siren going led us through town to the church. We were almost giddy. Finally we were the champions, and we had a huge trophy to prove it!

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19 Comments on ““We shall meet again before long to march to new triumphs.””

  1. olof1 Says:

    We almost reached the 90’s before the thunder storms came. Now it’s slightly cooler but the humidity is so high it’s awful. The wind has started to blow again and I hear the next thunderstorm coming closer. Hector get so scared he pees where he is and then he’s asahemd of it too poor thing. But then he realized he could go in to the bathroom and stay in the shower and that made him much happier.

    I hate it when I hear something crash like that and can’t find out what it was, I always believe something brike on the cottage πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    I have only vague ideas of who most of my friends are on FB πŸ™‚ Most of them are friends of the few friends I actually know and some remeber me from those three times I was on national tv in a garden show πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ That’s so long ago that I’m amazed someone actually remembers it πŸ™‚

    Have a great day!

    • katry Says:

      The weather hasn’t changed yet. I thought I heard rain, but it must have been the rustling of the leaves. I had one dog that was afraid of thunder. She shook and shook. I’d hold her, but it didn’t help much.

      I looked this morning again and saw nothing.

      I found a few more through this reunion thing. They were my friends in high school before I moved to the cape and we lost track of each other.

      Enjoy your evening!!

  2. Hedley Says:

    For the confused, those in need of a nickname, or notice the score Tottenham 15 Arse 0, here is a KTCC WORLD exclusive, released on KTCC before SNL


  3. Hedley Says:

    Dang, you have to follow the link…Kat can you grab it with the image as the start ?

  4. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,
    My laundry has made similar progress. It went from behind the bathroom door to leaning up against the wall outside the bathroom door about 14 feet from the cellar door. It may make it to the cellar door today. Or not.
    Mysterious crashes are always annoying. I’ve done many a trip around the outside of the house looking for the fallen or the broken and not found anything. It must be poltergeists.
    I’m glad to read that your back is better. Doing nothing is so therapeutic. πŸ™‚
    Rocky and I have been out already. We went to the lake and he ran around and got rid of some energy. I took pictures. We went to breakfast. Now we’re relaxing.
    The sun is in and out here. There’s a cool West wind. It did try to rain earlier but just couldn’t get enthused about it. Maybe later.
    Sort of like us and our laundry. πŸ™‚
    Enjoy the day.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      Mine is still in the hall. I’m about to take a shower so no laundry duty today!!

      I did another run around and found nothing!!

      I never left the house today, but I have to tomorrow as I just gave the cats their last can. I’ll do everything tomorrow morning, first thing.

      My back is even better after another day of nothing. The sun never did stay for long, and the late afternoon is nice and cool. Gracie is out but we played fetch down the hall for a while first.

      It rained for a little while earlier, but it was a feeble rain, short-lived.

      Have a great evening!!

  5. im6 Says:

    Cold snap here. Only going to be 102ΒΊ today. Better dig out my mittens.

  6. Bob Says:

    A 102 degree day here also, but a cool 99 right now. Having my air conditioners working again is like receiving mana from above. I wonder how people lived in the Southwest 50 years ago before air conditioning was common. Of course they didn’t know any better.

    When I was a kid in NYC my family would move to a bungalow colony about eighty miles north of the city near Monticello which is located in Sullivan County. My mother, sister and I would stay in the cooler mountain weather from Independence Day through Labor Day weekend. My dad would take his vacation during the first two weeks in July with us and then drive up to our bungalow for the weekends. He would spend the week working in the steamy city. Sullivan County also was home to many famous hotels which were the breeding grounds of some of America’s most famous comedians. The area was known as the, “Borsch Belt”. It was all killed by air conditioning and cheap air fares.

    • im6 Says:

      Thanks for sharing your “Stardust Memories,” Bob. Did you do your share of “Dirty Dancing” πŸ˜‰ You might enjoy this film if you can find a copy: http://kutshersdoc.jimdo.com/press/

    • katry Says:

      If you don’t know what you’re missing, you don’t miss it.

      In Ghana it was well over 100˚ several times during the dry season. I just got used to the heat. I didn’t even have a fan. The Ghanaians would never have thought of an air-conditioner; there were none. There are now hotels with air-conditioned rooms and the internet cafe was air-conditioned when I went back. Ghanaians still don’t care. They just abide the heat.

      I remember reading about the Borsch Belt, and the wonderful acts you could see every summer. im6’s link is wonderful!

  7. Birgit Says:

    I think the mysterious crash was a landing UFO. The aliens wanted to see who still watches their old movies πŸ˜‰

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