“Every morning a new sun greets us and our new life begins.”

Gracie and I are out on the deck. She is sleeping in the shade of the oak and pine trees. It isn’t quiet. Inside my house Roseanne and Lee are cleaning, and I can hear the vacuum and conversations in Portuguese. My next door neighbor is back from Brazil. I can hear her yelling at her kids, but she too speaks Portuguese so I have no idea what the kids are doing. The ever-present birds fly in and out. They eat at the feeders and wait in line to use the fountain as a bird bath. Gracie thinks it’s a water fountain. All of us appreciate it. The day is lovely, warm in the sun but cool with a nice breeze in the shade. I am in the perfect spot.

Yesterday morning I was up early. When I went to get the papers, I could feel, hear and smell the morning. That probably sounds strange, but I swear early mornings are different. It doesn’t matter where you are. Ground fog rises in the morning and lingers until the sun holds sway. Birds sing louder than during any other part of day. On city streets, outside the small cafes, sidewalks are swept and chairs and tables are arranged. Some places serve eggs and bacon but others serve cold cuts, rolls and cheese. The bread is always fresh, soft. In other places the smell of wood burning fills the air as breakfast is cooked over the flames. Smoke curls above the fires. There are fewer people out and about in the early mornings. They always look a bit sleepy to me as if they have yet to find the day.

I am also drawn to the night. I love staying up late and being the only one still awake. The houses around me are dark except for the one behind me. He leaves his back light on. I think of him as the unpleasant neighbor. If Gracie barks more than three times, he yells which makes her bark more. He plays his country music so loud on Saturdays I have to go inside the house for a bit of peace. I don’t yell, one in the neighborhood is enough.

Last night I went outside to try to see the meteors. I was barefoot and walked tentatively as I didn’t turn on the light. My feet got wet on the grass, but I avoided the pitfalls and made it to the road without incident. I stayed for about 40 minutes, saw only two, got discouraged and went inside.

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6 Comments on ““Every morning a new sun greets us and our new life begins.””

  1. olof1 Says:

    We’ve had a rather wonderful day here too. Chilly and foggy morning but it soon turned to warm with a semi strong wind. It will be much the same until the week is over so I won’t complain about having to take time of from work because I had to get my car to the garage. I’m enjoying every second of it 🙂

    It was a bit cloudy here last night so there was no idea to look up into the sky but those who could see the sky didn’t see much anyway they said. I’ll try to stay up tonight just in case they have run a bit late 🙂

    Yes every morning is different, now it’s easy to smell that autumn is close by. The air is sort of dryer in its smell. I did actually hear a few birds sing but otherwise it was quiet. Now however the katydids have started and I love that sound, I’ll most likely fall asleep to it tonight 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • katry Says:

      Hi Christer,
      Now it is hot. I turned only the bedroom air on as it is supposed to be cool tonight, but now I’m wondering if I should have put the house air on too.

      Supposedly you can see some tonight too, but maybe I’ll have to drive down to the ocean. I should have done that last night.

      I know that autumn smell, but it isn’t here yet. We have a whole month more of summer yet. Right now it is quiet.

      Have a great evening!

  2. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,
    Early morning is the best time of the day. Cooler and quieter than the rest of the day. It smells wonderful, too. I try to savor it as often as possible. The dogs and I usually go for the first walk sometime between 6:30 and 8 AM after the morning starts gearing up to normal.

    The day is lovely here. Sunny, warm and dry with a lovely breeze that is cool in the shade. Yesterday, I saw a hummingbird in my back swamp. I think it was a hummingbird. Either that or a hummingbird moth. While I’d love to have hummingbird moths in the yard again, hummingbirds would be prettier. I ordered a hummingbird feeder to encourage either one of them.

    Tonight is a barbecue event at the Topsfield Fair Grounds. It should be fun.

    Enjoy the day.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      I used to be up and stirring at 5, but now getting up early is a rarity for me. I am out on the deck by 9:30 or 10, papers and coffee in hand.

      The deck was cool this morning with a wonderful breeze. I just came back from the dump and decided to put on the AC as the house was 76˚, too hot for (wo)man and beast.

      I sometimes get a hummingbird at the feeders. I love to watch them.

      Have a great time. My mother, sister and I used to go to Topsfield every year.

  3. Rowen Says:

    “I don’t yell, one in the neighborhood is enough.” Made my day.

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