“Marshmallow Fluff is the greatest thing ever invented”

I apologize for yesterday, and I thank you for worrying as I know I usually let you know. I slept later than I intended and had time for getting dressed, a quick cup of coffee, feeding the animals and taking Gracie out. It was International Festival Day at the local college, and I was at the Peace Corps table all day. Luckily I had packed what I wanted to use to decorate the table so I just grabbed the stuff and left. When I got home, I napped.

A couple of people who stopped at the PC table were surprised to find Peace Corps still existed. I guess we don’t do a great job advocating for ourselves. One man stopped and asked me if I knew who he was. I did, just by his question. Twice before I had met him, asked his name and country of service. Each time he answered a bit testily that he was with me in Ghana. I still didn’t recognize him this time either but said, “Gary?” and he smiled. I had guessed right.

It is a bright, beautiful day now, but it started out foggy, a fog which hovered around the lower limbs of the trees and atop the roads, covered the bridge and hung just above the ocean. When I was a kid, that was the scariest fog. It hid the sidewalks. Noises were amplified and footsteps echoed. We’d run if we heard someone behind us. We never knew who or, even worse, what was behind us. It could have been the man with the hook or some mass murderer looking for another victim so we ran as fast as we could. It never occurred to us the footsteps might be from something benign. In the fog it could only have been something scary and evil.

The paper today had a page devoted to Marshmallow Fluff which is celebrating its 100th anniversary. About 7 million pounds of Fluff is sold each year which is mind boggling given how light Fluff is. Fluff has only 4 ingredients: corn syrup, sugar, dried egg white and vanilla. When I was growing up, we always had Fluff in the cabinet because a fluffernutter was a quick snack: thin on the peanut butter, thick on the Fluff. The only problem was being careful not to tear the soft bread when slathering the Fluff. 50% of all Fluff is sold in New England and Upstate New York. I still keep Fluff in the cabinet. I never know when I might just want a quick snack.

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14 Comments on ““Marshmallow Fluff is the greatest thing ever invented””

  1. William Sandford Says:

    At least you remembered Gary this time. I have no idea who he is. Is he in the mugbook?

    • katry Says:

      He is in the mug book, but I forget his last name, but I think it begins with a B. I asked him if he was in touch with anyone, and he said yes, Benny Pullum. I said I remembered Benny, and that he was from New Orleans. Gary says he is still there and had retired from a career of teaching high school history. I didn’t mention my other memories of Benny!!

  2. Bob Says:

    I run into clients that I trained in the past all the time at work. I’m better at remembering faces than names. Friday I ran into a pilot from Mexico City that I trained for his initial pilot liscence in 1976. He has come to our training center in the past for recurrent training and I always say hello. Luckily, all our clients wear name tags otherwise I would be in big trouble. He told me he plans on retiring next year. I know I’m getting old when airplanes I used to fly are now in museums and pilots I’ve trained are either retiring or dying.

    I have never seen nor heard of marshmallow fluff until I started reading your blog. It sounds like something I would like because it contains nothing that might me construed as being healthy. My doctor told me that I should stop eating sugar and unrefined flour products. I told him I would continue eating them until I required diabetes oral medication. πŸ™‚ A mother catches her prepubescent son playing with himself in the bathroom. She tells him, “Don’t do that Johnny or you will go blind”. He replies, “Can I do it until I need glasses?” πŸ™‚

    Tom Brady was interviewed on CBS, Sunday Morning, TV shows today. He’s in good shape for 40 years old. His interview sounded like a commercial for his health products.

    Today is another sunny day with temperatures in the mid 90s. Surprisingly we haven’t had any rain this month considering this has been the sixth wettest summer on record.

    • katry Says:

      I used to say something similar: I would be ready to retire when I started working with the children of students I once had. When I met the first of the second generation, I was a bit shocked but hung in for a few more years anyway.

      Nothing in it is healthy, but I think that’s the draw. I agree with you about eating what tastes good. I am old enough now that it doesn’t matter to me the amount to sugar or unrefined flour products.

      Funny! Johnny is a smart kid!

      Tom is pushing his new cookbook about the regiment of his diet. He does look great, but I don’t care. Give me a brownie any time.

      We have had humid days which I find uncomfortable. I have had the air on.

  3. olof1 Says:

    It’s just awful when one can’t remember a person who obviously remembers You πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I’m glad You got the name right πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    I had never heard and scary stories about fog when I grew up so I never thought that fog was anything but beautiful. Well I knew I wasn’t allowed to go down to the harbour and close to the water just in case I would fall in πŸ™‚

    I guess it is a good thing fluff can’t be found here πŸ™‚ I would eat way too much of it πŸ™‚ I think however I would have it on Digestives because they are hard enough to hold when spreading something on them.

    Have a great day!


    • katry Says:

      It was a guess based on the last two times when I had no idea who he was. He seemed pleased I remembered him though I know I hadn’t.

      Scary stories tend to have fog. Some scary movies are also filled with foggy nights. The one called The Fog is typical. Ghosts reappear and are out to kill. Fog harbors evil!!

      Fluff is amazing. When my nephew came from Colorado, we introduced him to Fluff. He had it every day, and I had to send some to Colorado. Every kid love sit!!

      Have a wonderful evening!

  4. Caryn Says:

    Hi Kat,
    Glad I didn’t know it was Fluff’s anniversary. I might have bought myself a celebratory jar while I was grocery shopping earlier today. It’s bad enough I bought two pints of ice cream. πŸ™‚

    Long ago, in my teens, I tried a new cake recipe. It had boiled frosting which I hadn’t heard of before. The recipe said to boil sugar and syrup to 240ΒΊF then pour this molten lava onto beaten egg whites while still beating them. I managed this without burning off any flesh. When I looked at and tasted what I had made, I LOL’d. It was Marshmallow Fluff!

    It was foggy here this morning, too. Last night I took the dogs out for their last walk just as a fog bank was rolling onto my street. Someone had a wood fire, too. I thought the woods were burning for a second but it was just fog. It was kind of creepy watching it swirl and roll down the street. The sun’s out and it’s warm but the A/C isn’t needed. Fans on low are doing the job.

    Enjoy the day.

    • katry Says:

      Hi Caryn,
      I’m right with you in buying the ice cream. I had to hold myself back the other day as I knew the pint would never last. I later hated my self-control.

      I have seen recipes for boiled frosting but haven’t even been tempted to make it. It just seemed like too much trouble when buttercream would do just fine. I’m glad to hear I was right in the long run.

      I have no fans so I have to rely on the AC to make the house cool enough. I turned it off for a while today, but it didn’t take long for the house to be 75˚. It is on again and the house is feeling cooler.

      Have a great evening!

  5. im6 Says:

    Let’s just hope “Gary” doesn’t read this blog. It might crush him.

    I’ve never had Marshmallow Fluff in my life. You haven’t convinced me to try it either and I’m pretty sure that even if I did I wouldn’t think it was a tragedy I’ve been missing it all my life.

    • katry Says:

      Gary seemed pleased I remembered him and didn’t seem to remember the two times we had met before this.

      I think you have to grow up eating Fluff in order to appreciate it. Fluff is wonderful!!

  6. Birgit Says:

    β™ͺβ™«β™ͺ Fluff the flagic flagon flived fly the flea β™ͺβ™«β™ͺ

  7. sprite Says:

    I bet another 25% of Fluff is sold to those of us who grew up in the region and now live elsewhere!

    • katry Says:

      I won’t take that bet! My sister lives in Colorado, and her kids never had Fluff until they came here to visit. They got hooked. I used to have to send them jars but now my sister buys it herself.

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