“My idea of absolute happiness is to be in bed on a rainy day, with my blankie, my cat, and my dog.”

I’ve been lazy this morning. I didn’t get out of bed until 9:45. Henry finally drove me out  by jumping on and off the bed.

Henry never walks. He sounds like a herd of horses when he runs down the hall. Yesterday he seemed afraid to use the dog door, but today he went right outside. Last night he wouldn’t come near me. I dared to try to put his harness on him, notice I said tried. Today he hasn’t left my side except to eat and go into the yard. I am so very patient with my Henry changing from day to day.

Today is dark with clouds. It is supposed to rain later. I can feel the dampness in the air. Earlier, I could hear hammering but not now. It is quiet. The wind every now and then is blowing the top most branches.

When I was a kid, a Saturday like today was a disappointment. The impending rain meant staying close to home. The house felt crowded with all of us in it. The TV was blaring. My brother watched from the couch. My sisters played dolls on the rug in the living room. My mother was usually in the kitchen, hiding from the noise and us. My dad watched TV when he came home from his Saturday uptown errands. My refuge was my bedroom. I’d get lost in a book and everything else would fall away.

I’m putting my laundry on my to-do list but in italics. I really don’t feel industrious enough to do anything let alone laundry and all it ensues, but I don’t like seeing the filled laundry bag in the hall. My solution is to throw it down the cellar stairs.

Yesterday I swiffered the downstairs. I don’t know why Henry isn’t bald. The Swiffer pad was covered in fur. I even had to change it. Today I picked up a few new clumps. Sisyphus had his rock. I have my dog fur.

I need more bird seed and I need bread. I’m thinking of going to Cape Abilities Farm which teaches skills to adults with disabilities. It will have all I need and far more.  I usually end up with a carriage full of fruits and vegetables, cheese, frozen chicken pie, fresh bread, and cookies. I also need a plant for my front steps and a hanging one for the deck. I do love shopping there.

My house is cold. I’m thinking a hot cup of coffee is a perfect remedy.

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12 Comments on ““My idea of absolute happiness is to be in bed on a rainy day, with my blankie, my cat, and my dog.””

  1. olof1 Says:

    It has been mostly cloudy here today and around 68F so it has been rather nice. They say the heat will return tomorrow.

    I have two chores tomorrow, the laundry and mowing the lawn and I’m not looking forward to any of them 🙂 🙂 Today I replanted all my tomato plants and bell pepper plants. I should have done it long ago but never come around to doing it. I’ve just kept looking at the plants and felt sorry for them 🙂 🙂

    Rainy Saturdays were perfect for a visit to the library and after that I would be occupied the entire weekend 🙂 It could also mean a visit to the local pet shop to buy a new fish or so for my aquarium 🙂

    Have a great day!


    • katry Says:

      It did rain here on and off. It has stopped but the day is really damp and chilly.

      I never did go out and the laundry hasn’t moved. I just didn’t want to do anything. I think the rain dampened my energy. Maddie and Henry have slept most of the day. I should have joined them.

      I loved my library. I used to go once a week or so. I’d take 4 or 5 books and read them quickly then go back.

      Enjoy your day!

  2. Birgit Says:

    Another nice sunny day here. Europe is watching TV now, the Eurovision Song Contest is on. Once a year we all have to listen to hours of bad music 🙂
    Good luck, Sweden! Germany’s ambitious goal is not to end up at the last place again.

  3. Bob Says:

    Today is another beautiful day with clear skies and temperatures in the low 90s. When I first moved to Texas in 1953 home central air conditioning was just coming onto the market. Most pre WWII houses had attic fans and maybe a couple of window units in the bedrooms. Central AC made the sun belt what it is today. From Atlanta across the south through to Phoenix cities grew exponentially due to central AC making life in the summer months bearable.

    Our cloths washer stopped working on Thursday, luckily while it quit while washing a couple of bath mats, after having washed all the other clothes for the weekend. I have a repairman coming on Monday morning. Hopefully, it will be something simple and not too expensive to repair. And, yes I did check that the power cord was plugged into the outlet. 🙂

    I also killed our home telephone service. The only calls we were receiving on that line were from salesman, robocalls and my mother in law. Each of us has an iPhone so the land line had become superfluous and killing it saves $32 a month. I was just thinking how many devices my iPhone has replaced. It now serves as my portable GPS, my music player (iPod), my portable book reader, Internet browser and both my still and movie camera. I would still rather read and surf the web on my old iPad, but I can use the iPhone to provide the iPad with a wifi signal anywhere. Too bad it can’t wash the cloths. 🙂

    • katry Says:

      It rained most of the afternoon and has started raining again. The day was dismal. It was chilly from the rain. Despite air conditioning, I’d hate living all the time in 90˚+. I had that in Ghana without AC. I’ll take cooler any time.

      Both my washer and drier stopped working at the same time. Luckily the fix was just a hose for one and he couldn’t find anything wrong with the other. It started working all on its own. Of all things, I couldn’t do without a washer.

      I don’t like the phone for reading books or watching movies. I wouldn’t like hauling my i-Pad around. I’ll just stick with my land line for the near future.

      • Spaceman Says:

        Dear you have such bad fortune with AC and appliances.

      • katry Says:

        Most of my appliances are old, the only exceptions being the fridge and the general AC. The rest are moving toward oblivion.

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